Before You Join the Community to Attract Pre-Sold Clients...

Before You Join the Community to Attract Pre-Sold Clients...

You're only going to see this page once, so please read every word (and watch the video) very, very carefully. It's really that important...

See How We SHIFT BELIEFS to Generate HIGH-VALUE Clients Using Our Influential CLIENT ATTRACTION SYSTEM:

Make $15,000 with INFLUENCE in the Next 90 Days Guaranteed...

(Or We'll Work With You 1:1 For FREE Until You Do.)

YES, Jason!

  • I watched the entire video above ...
  • I’m tired of feeling like the "best kept secret" to my clients.
  • ​I have a program I'm selling for $1,000+ (or want to) ...
  • ​I serve my clients as a COACH, a CONSULTANT, or similar EXPERT role.
  • ​I'm ready to get hands-on help to turn my marketing into a client-generating machine.
  • ​I'm willing to invest a small 2-3 hours a week into the continued growth of my business.
  • ​I'm ready to book my free game plan call now!

If we know we can help you, we'll tell you.
If we don't think we can help, we won't try to sell you anything.

Imagine Getting CONSISTENT Results Like These...

2022-08-31 - Haiming 40k.png
2022-08-31 - Haiming 40k.png

Patty M. Castellanos
"Authentically Selling as Myself!"

"I joined INFLUENCE with the rationalization that if I got one one new client, it would start to pay for itself. Well, I got one… and since then it has not stopped flowing!

I will positively share this: Jason politely called out that it was as if I was afraid to “make an offer.” My website gave away a ton of information, but it previously didn’t lead people to call me. Even if I got on a call, it would sometimes end in an awkward silence where I was too timid to invite them to work with me. I’m now closing nearly all of the consultations I do. I’m a better listener to THEIR story, I know how and why to share MY story, and I know the influential art of blending the two stories so my clients choose ME!

Now I get to be “Patty!” Omg, I used to be “Patricia,” and I discovered how to be authentically ME rather than the person who worked to get advanced degrees and titles. “Patricia” wasn’t filling her events. “Patty” tripled the size of her group programs! I appreciate the community you’ve built. I’ve created new relationships with other business owners, we masterminded and created new groups of our own that have new clients signing up who are ready to make changes!!!

I now know that my message is powerful, and it deserves to be clear and within reach of the people who need to hear it. I’m getting outside of my comfort zone, creating more, and earning more. "

If we know we can help you, we'll tell you.
If we don't think we can help, we won't try to sell you anything.

Booked SOLID... Even WITHOUT a Website:


Connie Jo Holmes
"From Zero to Full-Time!"

"I previously spent a year giving away a ton of value to a regular Meet-Up group I had organized. It wasn't paying off. After a full year of effort - it produced ONE client. Yes, just ONE from the entire year.

As soon as I joined Jason's INFLUENCE community, I immediately started to bring in several private clients into my business each and every month directly from a single 90-minute presentation. My "closing rate" was previously ZERO. Jason helped me to frame and highlight my presentation so that I’d have a list of people ready to pay my full value as soon as the event wrapped up.

As my private client business grew, I had the confidence to expand my offers into group retreats. I used Jason’s story formulas and hypnotic language hacks to naturally pre-sell the opportunity throughout my presentation so, as Jason promised, my ideal clients were running the sales process for me.

Your INFLUENCE program and community helped me exit my full-time job and make my passion my main career. You helped me go from zero to doing what I love as my full-time business. Thank YOU, Jason!"


Lori Hammond
"Jason is the Real Deal!"

"Jason is the real deal. His relentless consistency in over-delivering value has allowed me to create systems in my business that let me preserve my precious energy while serving more people.

Thank you for teaching clear formulas and language patterns that let me know how to talk about my business in a way that makes people line up to book with me and purchase my digital products. You always exceed my high expectations."

Tracy Barrett Adams
"Jason connects with respect, creativity, and intelligence."

"Jason has a mind like a laser. His workshops helped me pinpoint areas of my business that were ready for growth. He gave me the theory and tools so I could put things in motion without having to invent all the wheels. He breaks strategies down (without dumbing them down) into clean, elegant components.

I especially appreciate Jason’s approach in the way he implements language patterns that are wonderfully persuasive, while also aligning with my ethics and values. Jason connects with respect, creativity, and intelligence, and he’s made it very easy for me."


Replaced a $70,000/Year Salary:


SALES... That "Feels Like Education"


Educated Buyers...
WITHOUT Sleazy Sales!


If we know we can help you, we'll tell you.
If we don't think we can help, we won't try to sell you anything.

Need help? Call 1.800.850.7082 or email Support@AttractPreSoldClients.com


"This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc."

The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising since 2007, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

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The Jason Linett Group LLC
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